Tuesday, June 8, 2010


pirate radio and struggles with the FCC


the back of SF Weekly is completely covered with ads for medical marijuana

Monday, March 8, 2010


hey whoever still reads this, go check out radio WICV at radio.mica.edu - and listen to our stream! right now we haven't put together any shows or scheduling, so I'm just playing a pavement album on shuffle. I might mix it up though.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

graphic design

i came across these posters from the thirties by a designer called Lester Beall and i thought they might be good inspiration for our logo etc. they look very modern to me.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Free-form radio

I ran across this article while I was browsing WFMU, and thought it was relevant to what we are trying to do here at WICV:


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

radio art

The other day I stumbled across a huge wealth of information on some guys blog about Willem De Ridder, a fluxus artist and curator (?) of the All Chemix Radio show produced by the Radio Art Foundation in Amsterdam, Holland. I haven't even broken the surface of it yet, but here is a link to the material:


Saturday, January 9, 2010


Hello everybody I hope you have had a relaxing break!

Along with Neil I've been doing research on some possible software we could use for the internet radio. I think that the best way to do things is through free open-source software, because we have the freedom to modify it to meet our needs.

ICEcast (http://www.icecast.org/) is a tried-and-true streaming audio server. It will allow us to encode, stream, and archive our shows live. As well, it supports encoding in .ogg, which is a free audio codec that sounds as good as MP3 at lower bitrates. Since our number of listeners depends not only on our bandwidth, but on the bitrate of the audio stream, it would be good to embrace this codec as it would allow more people to listen at once.

There are a number of programs that will work to send audio to the web server, such as ICEs, for which there is an excellent tutorial here: http://www.6809.org.uk/media/ices2-howto.shtml. I envision a setup with one dedicated computer collecting our audio, encoding it, archiving it, and sending it out to the web. This machine would run away from the rest of our studio. Once we had it set up we wouldn't need to touch it except to start and stop the broadcast.

Further, we want to be able to stream our radio through a web browser. Since not all audio streams are compatible with all client-side programs such as itunes, winamp, or windows media player, it would be convenient to give listeners a chance to tune in to the show through their browser.

There are conflicts that do not normally allow audio streams like ours to play through the browser, however, just today I found someone who has written a program which works around these issues and allows us to present our show in a webpage with a good-looking interface. The site is in German, but you can find it here: http://blog.codingexpert.de/?p=66

Since our bandwidth is only used if someone is listening, we could easily offer a number of options to listeners of the show, whether they would prefer to listen using an audio program on their computer like winamp or itunes, or connect through the browser. This way we could present them with an option of streaming an MP3 or ogg file, encouraging them to use the ogg if they are able (firefox has built in compatibility,) since it would cut down on our bandwidth.

All of this without spending a dime.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas Friends of the Radio!

Good News everyone!

Our radio station is on the move full throttle and it's gonna be killer!

We plan to go live in February starting at 14 hours on the air per week.

We were granted a temporary radio space on the sixth floor of the Meyerhoff, and will be moving into a more permanent space next fall.

There is going to be a radio benefit concert on the 6th of February in the Black Box so mark your calendars!
We are currently getting in touch with bands and all recommendations are welcome.
We hope to include some samples of programming into the benefit show.

I'm very excited that we were all able to make this happen!!
Now that finals are finished I'll be updating more regularly :)
Please e-mail me with any questions!

<3 Amber